BaCengBaMoShan 巴層巴墨山 is an unassuming little peak in south Taiwan that hides a big secret during the dry season.
After a failed attempt that resulted in me being violently pulled down by a snare, motorcycle on top of me for about 40 minutes, I felt it was time to head back to HuYaYuShan 戶亞宇山 for one more try. HuYaYuShan is located in Laiyi 來義 between and Neihe (佳興 & 內社)....
At the top of a massive landslide you’ll find DaWuCang 大武藏山. It’s not a particularly popular peak by any means; there isn’t even a marker for it. Most people just pass it on their way to other prominent peaks. But last week I made it my main objective. DaWuCang...
XinZhiShan 新置山 is a small mountain that sits directly behind Laiyi 來義 village in Pingtung. I’ve driven by it countless times and have always wanted to hike to its modest 619 meter peak. The end of last January, I decided to give it a try. In my mind, XinZhiShan...
I usually don’t post about hikes that were unsuccessful. But I thought this odd little peak was worth a mention; especially since I doubt I will try it again any time soon. QiJiaXiaShan 七佳溪山 is located far up the Lili River 力力溪河 in Chunri Township. At an elevation of 470 meters,...
Deep within the mountains on the Baolai riverbed you’ll find two popular hot springs, Qikeng and Shikeng (七坑 & 十坑). Situated roughly between the hot springs is the mountain HsiaoTienYuan – 小田原. At 1335 meters, I thought I would have plenty of time to make it to the top...
BeiHuLuShan is a nice hike for anyone looking to do something that isn’t too easy but not too hard. There are ropes, ribbon markers, and a trail that is easy to follow. Located in Chunri Township 春日鄉 in Pingtung 屏東, BeiHuLuShan is the north peak of the mountain I hiked...
A couple weeks ago I decided to try hiking to NanHuLuShan 南湖呂山 again after a failed attempt several months back. I was prepared for a tough hike of hacking and slashing, but as it turns out it was the exact opposite. With me I brought two machetes–one for the...
This has to be one of the coolest places I’ve ever stumbled upon. With over 65 structures to explore, walkways and stairs throughout, and a back trail to a river, this abandoned village is something special to experience. Ok, now that I got my tour guide spiel out of...
MengDanShan North Peak – 虻彈山北峰 is located behind the Wan’an Riverside park 萬安親水公園. It’s a hike that you should not attempt. For real, I’m not kidding. There is no reason for you to hike this at all. However, if you’d like to learn about my pain to reach this...